Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dealing with Difficult Children

From a previous post, I stated that a way a child is raised at home is displayed three weeks after being in a childcare facility. I also gave an example of an abused and neglected child, who acts out for attention because they do not get it at home.  I also used the child that is the only child and  has temper tantrums every time they do not get their way. These behaviors cause thousands or even millions of parents to stress on a daily basis. Their child is constantly being sent home with letters stating their behavior is unacceptable, or they are constantly called  to come pick their child up. In this blog, I have listed some techniques  we use in childcare facilities to help parents deal with difficult children. These techniques include:

  • Have a child that is throwing a tantrum have a calm down period. Tell them to go to a place that is quiet and then return once  they are calmed down.
  • Ignore the child if they are not causing physical harm to oneself, others, or damaging property. This will hurt a child more than any form of punishment especially if they are acting out for attention.
  • Use redirection. Show your child what they are doing wrong followed by showing them the correct way of doing things.
  • Take away something your child values, and make them take part in something they do not like to do.
For example, a parent can take away a child's video games and phone, and have them do community   service around the neighborhood such as mowing senior citizens' lawns or picking up leaves.
  •  Another thing is time-out. We cannot use time-outs at childcare facilities due to rules and regulations, but as a parent you may if you choose too. The rule for time-outs include one minute for every year of age.
For example, a parent would have a 3 year old sit down for 3 minutes.

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